““Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
“Whom shall I send?
And who will go for us?”
And I said,
“Here am I. Send me!””
Isaiah 6:8 has been our meditation. One FFF leader Oliver Coats introduced this verse one Sunday. My friend Chris and I were pushing through the last of sled sprints. He encouraged us by presenting the QUESTION: "Brendan, Chris, WHOM SHALL THE LORD SEND?"
We both answered with out hesitation nor doubt, SEND ME!!!
This weekend was powerful! God led and empowered us to do encouraging and meaningful work.
Faith Focus Finish conducted Sunday Training this week at Hamilton Avenue School. Oliver and I were able to take a few kids through some basketball drills and help clean up the park as seen below.
One boy asked me as I was picked up garbage, why??? I said because I wn't play in a park that is overrun with garbage. He smiled:)
On Friday night, I had stopped by the St. Roch feast at Hamilton Avenue School. Walking by the crowded basketball court filled with kids playing basketball I felt led to stop and watch. My heart felt for everything I saw, from the discouraging words that were fired at each other to the unwholesome talk being spoken. I decided to jump in the next game. I assembled a few bystanders and my squad was ready to take the court.
I picked one of the smallest and youngest kids there to share the battlefield with. A young boy named Deion, who was rocking a fresh red polo shirt and freshly pressed khaki shorts. My man looked like he just came from a Ralph Lauren photo shoot. One kid said to me "how come you picked Deion to play, he doesn't know how to play basketball"
I responded, "We are going to teach him!"
Sure enough the first possession I brought the ball down the court and saw Deion inside the paint, wide open. I drove to the hoop and dished it out to him. He received the pass and was hesitant at first like a deer in the head lights. I encouraged him to shoot.....nothing but net!
After silencing the critics, Deion put us on the board, as we struck first and his smile was ear to ear.
This encounter was powerful for me as much as it was for those kids. It boosts our confidence. I believe strongly in model leadership and that if you can show the kids how to walk, talk, lead, they will follow and then model. Whether it be kids or adults, people follow you because they want to, not because they have to. I teach kids to be intentional about LIFE. To not take life lightly, nor the words we speak. Each day we have the privilege to be intentional about how we engage the world. I had just showered at the gym before arriving at St. Roch and left sweating. I didnt come to the feast to play basketball, but that is what God had in mind that night. Obedience to his call will bear fruit in our lives. AMEN!
I felt God calling me to play that night.
My hope is that the kids can see the encounters and learn from them. That they will turn their doubts into FAITH. TO encourage one another! To believe in one another, to Love one another!
To say Deion take that shot!
We can't hear a smile....... however it is seen and it is heartfelt......that my brothers and sisters is eternal!
Remember that the Lord sees the work you are doing. He knows what is going on in every single persons life. Bring heaven to earth by believing in the power of God. You are a Son and Daughter of the Father!
God Bless You!