“At FFF, we foster a workout environment where anyone can succeed. You don’t need to be the fastest, strongest, toughest, or have some innate ability. You just need to bring a positive, never quit attitude. Through discipline and attention to detail, we strive to build a certain level of mental toughness that carries over into your school work, job, and even life in general.” (Chris)
“Jesus saved my life and brought me into the band of brothers at FFF! I thank God every day for what He has done in my life and for bringing me into FFF.” (Oliver)
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8) (Manny)
“Leadership is influence. There is no perfect leader but One, Jesus Christ who walked in perfect righteousness 33 years on this earth He created. I learn every day by following in His footsteps...our workouts are another training ground to sharpen our talents He has entrusted us with” (Brendan)